Thursday, April 12, 2012

Lawyers, Guns and Money

I went home with the waitress
The way I always do
How was I to know
She was with the
Russians, too?

I was gambling in Havana
I took a little risk
Send lawyers, guns and money
Dad, get me out of this.


Seriously, when did we surrender our individuality and why wasn't I informed? Here I am, minding my own business when all of the sudden this press release pops up in front of me. Then I did some further googling...

Major League Soccer representatives... can I have a minute with just MLS fans?

Are they gone...



These are the same folks that had a "no away fans can use our port-a-jons or talk to us because we're not able to control ourselves" policy. (Also I swear there used to be something about this on their website, but since this issue came up they seem to have scrubbed it)... wait... no... it's still there... .

Seriously Houston? I showed up there and it was a lot more than "For safety reasons, avoid non-Dynamo supporter groups when possible." It was lets actively NOT LET THE ONLY GUY SUPPORTING THE CREW IN THE ENTIRE PARKING LOT NOT USE THE PISSER.

OK... other MLS fans... can you scram for a minute? I need to talk to my fellow Columbus Supporters for a second. Thanks.


I don't remember joining this douche brigade. Did this come up for a vote when I was blacked out in a corner?

Here we are though... even though the douches couldn't be bothered to download the group's logo from their damn website. I guess they were too busy downloading the logo for the DETROIT GROUP.

This is the issue I had with the whole "Support the Fort" thing. These were the same people that labeled and still label all of our groups racists even though from what I've heard whomever that was was run out of the stadium and instructed never to show his idiotic racist face again. So New England... we're assholes until we're needed?

Yeah... typical.

To me this just seems like what it always seems like.

Oh god... so I'm reading and they're working on drafting guides for away fans. THANK GOD... BECAUSE WITHOUT THIS I WOULDN'T HAVE HAD ANY IDEA WHO THE VANCOUVER CANNUCKS WERE.

Welcome back everyone else. My point in the last few posts were the following.

A: I don't trust anyone who wants us to make a TIFO for another team.

B: If you can't control your people bad stuff is probably going to happen to you.

C: If you weren't part of the stuff you got in trouble for SUE THE LEAGUE.

Seriously... this league treats supporters like a commodity to be bought and sold. This is because of one thing and one thing only. We've given them no alternative.

If you're eating a big crap sandwich and enjoying it I can point why you're eating the sandwich back to one thing. You enjoy eating crap sandwiches.

Texian Army... I've run out of places to put the text so I'll put my commentary to you in italics.

A - you guys are douches... seriously... see above for why.

B - if it wasn't one of your people why haven't you threatened legal action or a boycott? Setting precedent for issues like this would have gotten MLS off of supporters about situations like this immediately. Instead you appealed for "banners" and "support". Sounds like...

C - Maybe it was one of your guys and you don't have a legal leg to stand on? Or maybe you just don't want daddy to take any more of your toys away.

I can tell you one thing. If I believed the Crew was playing us like that and we were not guilty I would bring a lot more down on their shoulders than the force of "People Who Will Never Be Regular Consumers of My Product" ... errr... "the ISC"

This brings me to my actual point. This group is a brainchild of a bunch of non-Crew supporters groups. Good on them!

I say again.. good... on.... them.

This seems a bit too silly for folks like us.

Why are we listening to folks like this?

Capos have been the topic of the week and I've discussed them at length in a previous post. I think the idea of doing this is anti-Columbus and counter productive to what we are trying to do. I honestly think that a capo makes us look like douches.

We're off our game. My buddy Matt stated the following tonight "Even my dad thought they were lame. He said it wasn't as cool as before 08 was the last time he was over for a game" We have to bring our game up and we have to bring it up fast.

Do we really have to be like someone else to do it though?

Columbus needs to start acting like Columbus again. We started this. We were the first franchise and we are still the best franchise. The issue is I believe we have lost our way.

There's still a chance we can get back to this. Or this. Or this.

I assure you. The answer won't come through Portland, Seattle or Ch*cago. It will come through Columbus.

I'm hiding in Honduras
I'm a desperate man
Send lawyers, guns and money
The shit has hit the fan

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